The Threads of Memory Project

“Our ancestors once weaved arrases of our past

in time leaving nothing but Threads of Memory

if all is to say ‘nothing is to be left of this culture’

who will re-weave the fabric of our history ?”



The ToM Initiative - About Us:


Threads of Memory Project - A Series of Educational Books Re-Weaving the Fabric of the Harari Identity

"This book is a preservation of the
intricate etiquettes of the Harari wedding process which in turn reflects the holistic nature of the culture in its entirety.

It is an enlightening and easy-to-read guide on how to get married the Harari way."

Tasnim Saadi

"An astounding and well written book that illustrates the details of the formulaic Harari traditional wedding ceremonies.

This book includes transliterations and interpretations of traditional poems and songs making it a great reference book. This masterpiece is a essential must read for anyone who wants to learn more on the rich Harari cultural practices."

Dalia Mohammed

"The details contained in this book of
our rich culture, focusing on traditional wedding ceremonies, along with the great
story telling, make this book a must read!

The beautiful illustrations only enhance
the reading experience"

Amir Harun

Fizbey shukran, ye gidir shei inta! I’m elated to have this documented and the significance behind the words
and phrases explained.

As young women we must learn our cultural songs to be the voice for the next generation. May Allah preserve our deen and our ada. Ameen. If you’ve gotten this far, please do yourself a favor and buy this book!” 

Nabila Bekri

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